The SpotLogic Story

 A lot of new companies are a technology in search of a problem. Not so in our case. SpotLogic was originally developed by a salesperson for his own use. It was only when he showed it to others that a company was started to offer the technology as a product for others to use.

The impetus for the product was the convergence of complexity, scarcity and AI. 


The complexity of asking the right questions at the right time increases exponentially for a human being when you factor in the number of products you sell times the number of use cases times the number of different industries you sell to times the number of buyer personas you need to resonate with. However, the complexity increase for a computer to solve that same problem is zero. It doesn’t matter if the computer needs to remember 7 things or 70,000 things. 


The scarcity problem has several facets.  For most sellers, the number of quality opportunities they have is not enough to ensure annual quota retirement…let alone the idea that a rep could have a pipeline of 3 – 4X of their annual quota. The second facet is time.  Most sales reps believe that their own time is their scarcest resource…but it isn’t. The scarcest resource a seller has is time with a qualified buyer. The customer interaction is where sales execution happens…or it doesn’t. Over time, eCommerce figured out how to systematize the improvement of conversion rates at each stage of the customer journey.  SpotLogic has applied that same thinking to enterprise sales. 


AI is a powerful engine for continuous improvement based on actual business outcomes, and the data that drove those outcomes. The challenge is to apply AI to influence sales outcomes in-flight, not when it’s too late. To accomplish this, the sales acceleration platform must operate at the highest level of data resolution possible. SpotLogic calls that an opportunity’s “Information Position™”

How it works

SpotLogic embeds your company’s corporate sales methodology, product differentiators, ideal customer profiles, use cases, key pain points, and other onboarding content into an intelligent digital platform that enables reps to immediately ask the most effective set of questions in each customer interaction.